Data collected during Session Mode will be stored in the student profile and on the Reports page. Amplio will automatically score receptive activities completed from the educator’s or student’s device in session practice. Expressive activities completed from the educator’s device may be scored in real-time or in the student profile after the session has concluded, and expressive activities completed from the student's device may be scored by the Educator from the student profile after the session has concluded. Additionally, a Session Note will be created automatically for each session, including all data collected from time spent in Practice - regardless of whether the student is working on their own device or the Educator’s.
Data collected during Independent Practice will be stored in the student profile and on the Reports page. Educators can review student responses to exercises and revise scoring at any time from the student’s profile. Data collected during Independent Practice is not recorded in Session Documentation.
This article will review the following:
Collecting Data from the Educator Device During Sessions
When in session mode, data can be collected from the educator’s device or the student’s. This interactive walk-through and information below will explain how to collect data from the educator device during a session.
Educators must be in session mode to collect data from their own devices. In-depth instructions to create a session are reviewed in a separate article within Amplio’s Help Center, called Creating a Session.
After starting the session, Educators will see the students’ initials listed in alphabetical order on the upper left side of the screen. The session will automatically open the activity at the top of the first student’s assignment queue.
The queue may be opened or closed by clicking the caret. Click and drag the three dots beside the activity name to move the assignment up or down in the queue.
For any activity you’ve assigned, you can access the teaching materials by clicking the Skill Instruction button. To return to Practice, click the “X” to close Skill Instruction.
This icon indicates the activity is “in progress.”
This icon indicates the activity is “ready to start.”
To toggle between activities, simply click on the "ready to start" icon displayed on the desired activity. This will take you directly to the practice exercises for that activity.
Amplio will automatically score receptive activities presented during session mode. This data may be reviewed and revised at any time from the individual student profile. When working with expressive activities, educators can score students’ performance in real time using the “Correct,” or “Incorrect” buttons.
Educators can review and revise scoring at any time from the student’s profile, as reviewed in the Reviewing Session Data section of this article.
Collecting Data from the Student’s Device During Sessions
When in session mode, data can be collected from the educator’s device or the student’s. This interactive walk-through and information below will explain how to collect data from the student’s device during the session.
Educators must be in session mode to collect data from their own devices. In-depth instructions to create a session are reviewed in a separate article within Amplio’s Help Center, called Creating a Session. Once in session mode, the student can join by logging in. Student login instructions may be found in the Amplio Help Center, linked here.
When a student logs in to Amplio on their device during a session, they will not be able to access games. They will be presented with a message that says “You are in session: games are unavailable.” Students will also see “session mode” listed at the top of their screen.
When the student clicks on Practice, they will be presented with practice from the activity that is listed at the top of their assignment queue.
When they finish one set of exercises, they will be presented with the next assignment in the queue.
Educators can review and revise scoring at any time from the student’s profile, as reviewed in the Reviewing Session Data section of this article.
Independent Practice & Data Collection
This interactive walk-through and the information below will review how data is collected during independent practice. Using a personal or school-assigned laptop, chromebook or iPad, students can log into Amplio for Independent Practice.
Student login instructions may be found in the Amplio Help Center, linked here. When a student logs in to Amplio on their device for Independent Practice, they will be in Independent Practice mode. In Independent Practice mode, the student will have the option of selecting “Practice” or “Practice with Games.”
Please note: Students will only be presented with practice exercises from activities for which Independent Practice has been enabled. Educators can enable or disable Independent Practice for activities from the Assignment Queue.
If the student selects “Practice” they will be presented with exercises presented consecutively in the order of the assignments in their Assignment Queue, similar to how exercises appear during Session Mode.
Some students may benefit from Practice with Games to maintain motivation during Independent Practice. If they select ‘Practice with Games’ they will be allowed to select a game of choice from a game library.
Once a game is selected, the student will play for 90 seconds before the first exercise in their queue is presented. They will complete 4 exercises before the game-play resumes. As students play, they earn tokens that accumulate in the upper right hand corner of their login screen.
The system records all responses in the student profile. Data collected during Session Mode will be stored in the student profile and on the Caseload Reports page. Learn more about how to review and revise practice data from the student profile in the Reviewing Practice Data section of this article.
Session notes are not generated for Independent Practice.
Reviewing Data from Session Mode and Independent Practice
Data collected during Session Mode and Independent Practice will be stored in the individual student profile and on the Caseload Reports page.
This walk-through will review how to review student responses to exercises and revise scoring at any time from the student’s profile.
From the Groups & Students page, select the student whose practice data you’d like to review. Activities that have not been started or are “in progress” will be listed in the Assignment Queue section. Scoring status will be indicated by a green or orange icon only for expressive tasks that involve collecting recordings. If the icon is green, it means you have completed scoring all responses to exercises completed by the student. If the icon is orange, it means you have not completed scoring all of the student’s responses.
If a student completes all exercises within an expressive activity during independent practice, the activity will be moved to the Ready to Score section. If a student completes all exercises within an activity during session mode, the activity will move to the “Archived Assignments section.
To review student responses and adjust scoring, simply click on the desired activity. The first tab will display the latest progress. If an assignment was previously completed, you will find the data in the previous practice tab.
Here you can listen to recordings and/or adjust the scoring for expressive activities. The accuracy will reflect your changes.
Please note: The revised accuracy will not automatically update in the Session Note. Visit our Session Note article in the Amplio Help Center to learn more about updating the session note to include the revised accuracy.
Some activities within Amplio allow the student to attempt the exercise again if their initial response was incorrect. For exercises that were repeated, educators may review data from both trials by selecting “Trial 1” or “Trial 2” from the drop-down. Data from the second trial is not included in Amplio’s total accuracy calculation for that activity. Amplio only includes the first trial when calculating total accuracy for an activity.