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🧐 Emoji Glossary

This article will serve as a guide to Amplio's use of emojis within Speech Language program display names.

Updated over 10 months ago


In Amplio, similar activity types often have the same name. It may be challenging to distinguish one activity from another or when viewing a student's assignment cue. As a creative (and fun!) solution, the Amplio Team has added emojis to activity display names to allow SLPs to quickly and conveniently distinguish similarly named activities.

Cross Program Emojis

The table below lists and defines emojis that appear across multiple programs.

Emojis by Program

REV Emojis

The Repeated Exposure to Vocabulary (REV) program is designed for students in grades PK-3 who struggle with vocabulary acquisition due to a language delay or disorder. This program uses themed lessons with stories to make learning new words engaging and meaningful. See Amplio's REV article for more information on this program.

REV activities are divided by category; categories are listed in the gray cells in the emoji tables below. The emojis and story titles listed beneath the gray cell are found within that category. Each activity name will include the category emoji followed by the story emoji to indicate which category and story the activity is from. Please see the example below from "The Race" story in the "vehicles" category:

Additionally, if you've assigned your student the 'small field' (reduced answer choices) version of the activity, you'll see the 🔷 - as pictured below:

REV Emojis


The KANGAROO (Knowledge About Narratives, Grammar, and Retelling Occasions in Order) Program is designed for students in grades 1-4, who present with difficulties understanding and using narratives. It focuses on explicitly teaching the basic elements of story grammar and structure. See Amplio's KANGAROO article for more information on this program.

CHAMP Emojis

The CHanging Articulation with Minimal Pairs Program (CHAMP) is designed for students in grades PK-1, who present with a speech sound disorder characterized by consistent use of phonological processes or pattern-based errors. See Amplio's CHAMP article for more information on this program.

The CHAMP program is divided into two approaches, the Meaningful approach, and the Perceptual approach. The Meaningful approach is suited for students who are stimulable for the target sound and emphasizes the social consequence of substituting the non-target word. The Perceptual approach includes a higher focus on speech perception and is suited for children who are not stimulable for the target sound. Both approaches contain a sequence of auditory perception, auditory discrimination, and verbal production activities that provide students with various opportunities to practice target sounds. Activities will include the or emoji to indicate whether you're utilizing the Meaningful or Perceptual approach.

WOW Emojis

The Wealth of Words (WOW) program is designed for students in grades PK-5 who present with speech sound disorders. The program targets speech sound production at the word, phrase, and sentence levels. An impressive collection of 2,367 words, filterable by target sound position, allows for increased practice opportunities across articulation targets. In addition, each target word is provided in the context of a single word, phrase, and sentence. See Amplio's WOW article for more information on this program.

Photographs and icons are associated with each target word. All activity/exercise names include the WOW emoji, followed by an emoji to indicate whether the target words are photographs or icons. Please see the examples below:




The High Intensity Production Practice Opportunities for Speech (HIPPOS) program is designed for students in grades PK-5 who present with speech sound disorders. HIPPOS targets speech sound production at the word level with five target words presented in a sequence as one unit, resulting in high-intensity drill practice that is consistent with the principles of motor learning. See Amplio's HIPPOS article for more information on this program.

Photographs and icons are associated with each target word. All activity/exercise names include the HIPPOS emoji, followed by an emoji to indicate whether the target words are photographs or icons. Please see the examples below:



ARROW Emojis

The Articulation Round Robin of Words (ARROW) program is designed for students in grades PK-5 who present with speech sound disorders. ARROW is recommended for use when doing drill-based practice in a group setting or when assigned a curated list of practice words for homework. See Amplio's ARROW article for more information on this program.

Photographs and icons are associated with each target word. All activity/exercise names include the ARROW emoji, followed by an emoji to indicate whether the target words are photographs or icons. There are 3 groups of target words (A, B, C) at each production level (word, phrase, sentence). Please see the examples below:



If you'd like more information on the Amplio Speech and Language programs, see Our Programs page - located in the Amplio Speech & Language Knowledge Base.

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