Session Documentation
To navigate to Documentation, click on Students on the menu on the left and select the Documentation tab.
Types of Documentation Notes
There are four types of documentation notes.
Pending Review = you have not yet done any reviewing or editing of these notes
In Review = you have done some reviewing or editing, but the note was not marked approved
Approved = you have completed editing the note and it has been marked approved
Archived = you have archived the note (notes cannot be deleted, but can be archived)
Editing Documentation Notes
Choose the type of note you would like to edit.
For this example, I chose a note in Pending Review.
Click on the note you want to review or edit.
When you click on the folder an Automated Note will be generated.
You can click on Finalize Text to accept the note as is or you can click on each section you wish to edit from the Section Editing menu on the left or within the Automated Note.
Adding Free Text
In each section that you edit, you can add free text by clicking on the Add Free Text box.
Finalize Note
At any time while editing, you can click on Finalize Text from the menu on the left and you will be taken to a final version of the text where you can edit freely or Approve and Finish the note.
Section Navigation
You can navigate to the various sections within Documentation three different ways:
Menu: Using the menu on the left side of your screen, you can click on each section you wish to review or edit.
Buttons: Within each section you can advance or go back to sections by using the blue buttons on the left and right of the bottom of the screen.
Automated Note: You can navigate to the various sections from the Automated Note by clicking on Automated Note from the menu on the left side of the screen and then clicking on the section you wish to edit.
Description & Behavior section
To edit the Description & Behavior section click on Description & Behavior from the Section Editing menu on the left, by navigating to the Automated Note and choosing the section, or by using the forward or backward arrow (depending upon where you are in the note).
Use the drop-down menus to edit each section.
Focus Area:
Your selections will be generated in the Text area below the drop-down menus.
Click on the next section you would like to edit from the Section Editing menu on the left. You can continue to the next section by clicking on the blue button on the bottom right of your screen.
Practice & Instruction section
To edit Practice & Instruction section of the note click on Practice & Instruction from the Section Editing menu on the left (or by navigating to the section using other methods described in the Section Navigation section of this article).
Focus Area:
Using the dropdown menu, edit the session focus area.
Using the dropdown menu, edit the level of support.
Your selections will be generated in the Text box below the dropdown menus.
Analysis section
To edit the Analysis section of the note click on Analysis from the Section Editing menu on the left (or by navigating to the section using other methods described in the Section Navigation section of this article).
Focus Area:
Choose the focus area that you would like to add to the note.
When at least 80% accuracy has been achieved, the Mastery button will be able to be toggled on.
Plan section
To edit the Plan section of the note click on Plan from the Section Editing menu on the left (or by navigating to the section using other methods described in the Section Navigation section of this article).
Using the dropdown menus, edit the Plan and Focus Areas.
Focus Area:
Finalize Text
To edit the Finalize Text section of the note click on Finalize Text from the Section Editing menu on the left (or by navigating to the section using other methods described in the Section Navigation section of this article.) You can add or delete text on this screen as well. To do so, simply click into the text box and edit.
Copy the Entire Note
Click on the Copy button on the bottom right to copy the entire section.
Example of the entire note copied and pasted:
Edward Rau was present on October 25 2023 at 7:17PM. The session was a group session with 3 students.
Edward required redirection to participate effectively throughout the session. The session focused on Speech Production.
Edward practiced in medial /l/ with 50% (1/2)
During the past sessions of working on medial /l/ the student has achieved 50%-50% accuracy from dates Oct 24, 2023 - Oct 24, 2023.
Next session will target medial /l/.
Copy a Section of the Note
Click within the note and copy a portion of the text. To copy a portion of the note highlight the portion you would like to copy and use your keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste.
Example of a portion of the note copied and pasted:
Edward practiced in medial /l/ with 50% (1/2)
During the past sessions of working on medial /l/ the student has achieved 50%-50% accuracy from dates Oct 24, 2023 - Oct 24, 2023.
Note: Do NOT use the blue Copy button to copy a portion of the note. Using the blue Copy button will copy the entire note.
Approved and Finished
Click on the Approved and Finish button on the bottom right side of the screen to move the note to the Approved section.
To All Documents
Navigate to the notes by clicking on To All Documents on the left side of the screen.
Regenerate Text
Click on Regenerate Text to undo the edits you have made and return the note to the Automated Note version.
You will get a pop-up reminder in the bottom right corner and the note will turn blue when the note is restored to the Automated Note version.
When you Regenerate a Note, you can go back to each section and edit as you wish.
Archived Notes
If you would like to archive a note (you are unable to delete a note altogether), click on the three dots next to the note you wish to archive.
Click Yes, Archive and the note will be moved to the Archived section in the bottom left side of the screen.
To move the note back to the Approved section, click on the Archived section at the bottom left of the screen, the three dots, and then Back to Approved.